Zur Entwicklung und zum Einsatz von Objektmerkmalen als Entscheidungskriterien in der Beschaffung, Köln 1991 - received the Scientific Award for PhD papers in 1992 by the Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME)
Bedeutungswandel der Beschaffung. Objektmerkmale als Entscheidungskriterien in der Beschaffung, in: Beschaffung aktuell, 39/12 (1992): 50-55
Erreichung der Beschaffungsziele. Objektmerkmale als Entscheidungskriterien in der Beschaffung - Teil II, in: Beschaffung aktuell, 40/3 (1993): 24-27
Personalkonzepte für die Beschaffung bei der Henkel KGaA, in: Hahn, Dietger; Kaufmann, Lutz (Eds.): Handbuch Industrielles Beschaffungsmanagement, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden 2002: 973-986, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-663-01582-6_51
Schlüsselkunden managen mit der Balanced Scorecard: in: Harvard Business manager, 28/9 (2006): 54-59 (with Prof. Lutz Kaufmann)
Management von Kundenzufriedenheit in der Spezialchemie: das Beispiel der Cognis Gruppe, in: Homburg, Christian (Ed.): Kundenzufriedenheit, 6th/7th ed., Wiesbaden 2006/2008: 605-625/461-481 (with Dr. Sven Kühlborn)
Herausforderungen im Einkauf der Zukunft, in: Gabath, Christoph W. (Ed.): Innovatives Beschaffungsmanagement: Trends, Herausforderungen, Handlungsansätze, Wiesbaden 2011: 9-14
Building a Sustainable Brand in Specialty Chemicals (Carve Out from a Big Corporate), in: Wollmann, Peter et al. (Eds.): Organization and Leadership in Disruptive Times, Cham 2021: 253-265 (with Susanne Marell, Jutta Wenzl), https://lnkd.in/d6HyC5R
Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Marke in Spezialchemikalien (Ausgliederung aus einem großen Konzern), in: Wollmann, Peter et al. (Eds.): Organisation und Führung in turbulenten Zeiten, Cham 2024: 279-293 (with Susanne Marell, Jutta Wenzl).
The Role of “Navigators” in Travelling Organizations, in: Kempf, Michael; Kuehn, Frank (Eds.): Navigating a Travelling Organization, Cham 2022: 53-64, https://lnkd.in/eEJ7qwKs
Verhandeln im B2B heißt zuhören, um zu verstehen, in: Sales Excellence, 33/12 (2024): 32-34, https://doi.org/10.1007/s35141-024-2377-6
Verkauf und Einkauf: Auf gemeinsame Wurzeln besinnen, in: Springer Marketing + Vertrieb, Online-Artikel, 16.01.2025.
Unite and conquer – End-to-end value creation through intra-organizational purchasing-sales integration, in: Industrial Marketing Management, 126 (April 2025): 236-250 (with Wim Biemans). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2025.02.021
Navigators in boundary-spanning roles: Leadership insights from 12 interviews, in: Leader to Leader, 116 (Spring 2025): 80-86. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ltl.20874
European Packaging Regulations, Packaging Strategies Conference, Atlanta, GA, 03/25/96
Strategic Procurement for the 21st century, Arthur D. Little Management Forum, Frankfurt, Germany, 02/10/98
Der Einkauf im 21. Jahrhundert – Herausforderungen und Chancen, 4. IIR Einkaufsleiterforum: EPCON, Mainz, Germany, 04/16/08
Key Account Management Training, 3M, Neuss, Germany, 09/19/08
Plastic in Rigid Industrial Packaging, 3rd GPCA Plastic Summit, Dubai, UAE, 04/04/12
Cradle to Cradle – Sustainability in Industrial Packaging, Dachmarkenforum, Düsseldorf, Germany, 09/11/13
B2B – Erfahrungen aus der Einkaufs-/Vertriebsperspektive, Miller Heiman – Sales Leadership Series, Berlin, Germany, 07/11/16
Purchasing and Sales: Separated at Birth?, Supply Chain Resource Cooperative (SCRC) @ North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 04/25/19, https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/scrc-meeting-closing-the-gap-between-marketing-and-procurement
How can strategic suppliers and strategic procurement collaborate more effectively?, Cranfield School of Management, Key Account Management Forum, 07/22/21, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-can-strategic-suppliers-procurement-collaborate-more-effectively-/?trk=pulse-article
Purchasing & Sales - Twins separated at birth!, The Conference Board, Procurement Leadership Council, Bruxelles, Belgium, 03/13/24
Purchasing & Sales - Twins separated at birth!, V-Kick, Bundesverband der Vertriebsmanager e.V., 10/16/24
Key Business Relationships – Comparing Customer and Supplier Perspectives, IMBA/WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany, 11/30/07
Competitive Bridge Building, Real Life Learning in Customer – Supplier Relationships, PT-MBA, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Düsseldorf, Germany, 06/25/11
B2B – Learning from a buying and selling perspective, IMBA/Mannheim Business Forum, Mannheim, Germany, 09/16/11
B2B - Learning from a Sell- and Buy-side Marketing Perspective, University of San Diego (USD) School of Business, CA, MBA class Supply Chain Management, 05/09/19
B2B - Learning from a Sell- and Buy-side Marketing Perspective, University of California San Diego (UCSD), CA, Rady School of Management, MBA Executive Speaker Series, 10/17/19
Operations Management (MGT 171), University of California San Diego (UCSD), CA, Rady School of Management, Undergrad class, 10/28/19
B2B - Learning from a Sell- and Buy-side Marketing Perspective, PT-MBA, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Düsseldorf, Germany, 07/12/20
Stop Marketing - Start Engaging: Key success factors in B2B Relationship Management, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Germany, 10/22/20
Personal Selling, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Germany, 01/18-19/21 and 01/25-26/22
Supply Chain Analytics (MGT 449), University of California San Diego (UCSD), CA, Rady School of Management, MBA class, 02/17/21
Supply Chain Strategy: Business Performance and Cost (MGT 176), University of California San Diego (UCSD), CA, Rady School of Management, Undergrad class, 04/16/21
Negotiation Management, Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), Germany, Sales Management Department (SMD), 06/09/21, 11/09/21, 06/14/22, 11/02/22, 06/06/23
Insights from Strategic Procurement, Key Account Management Forum Webinar Series, Cranfield School of Management, UK, 07/22/21, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-can-strategic-suppliers-procurement-collaborate-more-effectively-?trk=pulse-article
Industrial & Service (B2B) Marketing, Elective in Digital Business Management, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Germany, Spring 2022
Bridging the gap between academia and practice, DBA workshop, Otago Business School, Dunedin, NZ, 08/12/22
Strategic Supply Management & Sustainability (SCM 571), MSc SCM online, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), TN, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Spring & Summer 2025
New Thinking in Marketing Theory (BDBA 909) & Strategy and Growth (BDBA 912), DBA postgraduate program, Otago Business School, Dunedin, NZ, May & August 2023
Strategic Sourcing, FT-MBA/EMBA Elective, Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Fall 2023, Fall 2024 (with Prof. Finn Wynstra)
Sourcing & Procurement Management (SCM 431), Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany, Spring 2024
Sales & Procurement - Two sides of the same coin!, Supply Chain Relationships (Jenkins MBA 541), North Carolina State University (NCSU), Supply Chain Leadership Series, Raleigh, NC, 11/19/24
Value Supply Chain (VSC) Conception (CoSE 270A), Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) specialization, University of California San Diego (UCSD), CA, Jacobs School of Engineering, Fall 2025 (upcoming)